Become a Body Bright School.

Why be a Body Bright school?


Studies show that children who grow up feeling more confident and accepting of themselves and their body are more likely to:

  • experience higher self-esteem and body satisfaction

  • take care of their physical and mental health

  • participate in school and hobbies

Butterfly Body Bright is evidence-informed and helps school staff to address the modifiable risk and protective factors associated with body dissatisfaction and disordered eating through the six Body Bright themes (Brave, Resilient, Inclusive, Grateful, Happy and Thoughtful). These themes aim to empower students to be BRIGHT in their bodies so they can thrive socially, emotionally and academically.

The Body Bright curriculum is also mapped to Health and Physical Education curriculum and provides Australian primary schools and their communities with all they need to help foster a healthy body image in children.

 Body Bright is available to all Australian primary schools for an annual $375 (+GST) per school.

Register today and support your school community to be Body Bright!
Registration provides 12 months of access to all program content.

What’s included in the whole school program?

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School culture guidelines

  • Easy-to-implement strategies that support the whole school community in promoting positive body image and healthy attitudes and behaviours in children.

  • Strategies align with the four components of the whole school approach and have been endorsed by body image, eating disorder, and primary school education experts.

Staff Training

  • Online and self-paced training that offers a number of modules that aim to increase knowledge about body image in children, effective program implementation and role modelling, and includes an optional module that supports staff to explore self-compassion and body appreciation.

  • For teaching and non-teaching primary school staff and offers up to 4 hours of professional development.

  • NESA and TQI accredited!!

Curriculum Content

  • 50 age and developmentally appropriate lesson plans across the six Body Bright themes - Brave, Resilient, Inclusive, Grateful, Happy, Thoughtful.

  • Activities and skills are built upon each year (Foundation-Year 6).

  • Flexible and easy to follow lesson plans that range from 15 to 60 minutes.

Resources for Families

  • Registered schools will have access to free infographics and tips to share in their newsletter to families.

  • Schools will be able to refer families to the free resources available within Body Bright Families.

Curriculum content has been divided into six themes to align with the risk and protective factors that underpin body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in children.

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Brave with peers - promotes positive peer interactions to reduce negative comments about appearance and appearance teasing and/or bullying. Students will be empowered to be kind to, and stand up for, themselves and others in the face of appearance teasing/bullying.

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Grateful for our amazing bodies - celebrates identity to improve body acceptance and self-esteem. Students will be empowered to explore and celebrate their unique strengths and qualities beyond appearance, and practice self-compassion and body appreciation.


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Resilient to unhelpful media messages -promotes resilience to societal appearance ideals by improving media literacy (and social media literacy in older years). Students will be empowered to think critically when exposed to messaging in the media, advertising and online.

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Happy with joyful movement - promotes staying healthy in mind and body with fun and regular movement. Students will be empowered to appreciate their body’s functionality and recognise how physical activity makes them feel in their body and their mind.

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Inclusive of all bodies - reduces weight stigma that can develop from a young age by promoting celebration of diversity in the ways bodies look and function. Students will be empowered to celebrate individual strengths and qualities rather than placing value on appearance.

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Thoughtful with eating - promotes staying healthy with positive and balanced eating attitudes and behaviours. Students will be empowered to be curious and non-judgemental about different foods and food preferences, eat intuitively, and use their senses to connect with food and their bodies.

To make things easier, Butterfly Body Bright has been mapped to the Health and Physical Education Curriculum for Australia, NSW, Victoria and WA.

Butterfly Body Bright has been independently reviewed and is listed in the Be You Programs Directory. It meets the minimum evidence requirements set by Be You and has been awarded a rating for evidence and implementation.

Further questions about Butterfly Body Bright?
We’re here to help!

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Butterfly acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work as first people of this country.

We commit to embracing diversity and eliminating discrimination in health care. We welcome all help-seekers and strive to create a safe place for all people, irrespective of their size, shape, age, abilities, gender, sexuality, cultural background, language, economic status, profession or location.